Monday, July 6, 2009


We're leaving Friday for a kind-of-vacation. It's actually a conference for work, but there will be more free time than we have at home, and it will also be at a beautiful hotel with 2 pools and 15 feet from the beach, so it will be just a little bit vacation :) We are very excited. We are leaving early in the day on my birthday (yikes, when did I get to be a quarter of a century old!?) and having a nice family dinner that night to celebrate, then meetings and pool time until Wednesday! Then, it's only two weeks and a day until we go for the ultrasound! The baby is excited about this, too, because it knows we will stop calling it "it" when we have a more appropriate and descriptive personal pronoun available to us ;) .

Meanwhile, we got an offer on our house today! It was significantly lower than our asking price, but we countered with what we feel was a reasonable middle ground and we will just see what happens there.

And in other news, the cats may be moving back in for a couple of weeks while my parents have lots of company later this month. We will be excited to have them back! They came here when we put our house on the market so that people could come and go more easily and not have to worry about them getting out or potential buyers being allergic or the litter box offending anyone, but it will just be too crowded for them to stay while everyone is here.

Time to go make dinner!

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