Tuesday, December 15, 2009

T minus 2 days!

Two days until Baby Boy's due date! We are all breathless with anticipation of him getting here! He seems to be taking his time, but we are ready as soon as he is! And if he's not ready by a week from today, he will be ushered in to being ready by the great folks at Chesapeake General. I'm really hoping he comes on his own before then so that we don't have to deal with being induced and everything, so we will just see... We have a few finishing touches to get the nursery completely finished, but things are basically done! We can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone, and just can't wait to meet our sweet boy!

We are really looking forward to Christmas, and hoping that the baby is here soon so that we are a little recovered by then so that we can all enjoy his first Christmas!

This should be my last post as a pregnant woman!