As busy as we've been the past two months, not very much has gone on! Greg and I have both been busy with work and getting ready for the baby, and having lots of showers! We have been so blessed with so many people that already love this baby :) He is going to have lots of extended aunts and uncles beyond his 4 "real" aunts and uncles.
Our main task has been coming up with a name, and we really haven't made much progress. We've decided that Logan will be his middle name, but we are still pretty undecided on a first name. Jacob, Charles, and Benjamin are being considered and possibly Matthew. We are also working on getting the nursery ready. We've got the furnituer put together and in place, just need to fill in some of the surrounding spaces :)
Thanksgiving was wonderful! We spent the day with my parents and my brother. My brother and dad are both great cooks! Greg and I came over mid morning and my dad had made little smokies/pigs in blankets and we had those for breakfast while playing the new Wii Mario game.
We had an ultrasound two weeks ago and got to see that sweet, perfect, little face! This is likely the best looking baby anyone has ever seen... I'm just reporting the facts, people.
The other news is that we are FULL TERM! 18 days until the estimated due date. Some days I want him to go a head and come, and some days I am glad to have more time to get ready. But since there is NOTHING I can do to make him come sooner or later, I will just be waiting on his timing and getting ready as I have the energy to do more around the house getting ready.
Speaking of getting ready, I need to go get ready for work! If history tells us anything, this will be my last post before Baby gets here!