Two days until Baby Boy's due date! We are all breathless with anticipation of him getting here! He seems to be taking his time, but we are ready as soon as he is! And if he's not ready by a week from today, he will be ushered in to being ready by the great folks at Chesapeake General. I'm really hoping he comes on his own before then so that we don't have to deal with being induced and everything, so we will just see... We have a few finishing touches to get the nursery completely finished, but things are basically done! We can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone, and just can't wait to meet our sweet boy!
We are really looking forward to Christmas, and hoping that the baby is here soon so that we are a little recovered by then so that we can all enjoy his first Christmas!
This should be my last post as a pregnant woman!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Another 8 Weeks of News!
Where does the time go??
As busy as we've been the past two months, not very much has gone on! Greg and I have both been busy with work and getting ready for the baby, and having lots of showers! We have been so blessed with so many people that already love this baby :) He is going to have lots of extended aunts and uncles beyond his 4 "real" aunts and uncles.
Our main task has been coming up with a name, and we really haven't made much progress. We've decided that Logan will be his middle name, but we are still pretty undecided on a first name. Jacob, Charles, and Benjamin are being considered and possibly Matthew. We are also working on getting the nursery ready. We've got the furnituer put together and in place, just need to fill in some of the surrounding spaces :)
Thanksgiving was wonderful! We spent the day with my parents and my brother. My brother and dad are both great cooks! Greg and I came over mid morning and my dad had made little smokies/pigs in blankets and we had those for breakfast while playing the new Wii Mario game.

We had an ultrasound two weeks ago and got to see that sweet, perfect, little face! This is likely the best looking baby anyone has ever seen... I'm just reporting the facts, people.
The other news is that we are FULL TERM! 18 days until the estimated due date. Some days I want him to go a head and come, and some days I am glad to have more time to get ready. But since there is NOTHING I can do to make him come sooner or later, I will just be waiting on his timing and getting ready as I have the energy to do more around the house getting ready.
Speaking of getting ready, I need to go get ready for work! If history tells us anything, this will be my last post before Baby gets here!
As busy as we've been the past two months, not very much has gone on! Greg and I have both been busy with work and getting ready for the baby, and having lots of showers! We have been so blessed with so many people that already love this baby :) He is going to have lots of extended aunts and uncles beyond his 4 "real" aunts and uncles.
Our main task has been coming up with a name, and we really haven't made much progress. We've decided that Logan will be his middle name, but we are still pretty undecided on a first name. Jacob, Charles, and Benjamin are being considered and possibly Matthew. We are also working on getting the nursery ready. We've got the furnituer put together and in place, just need to fill in some of the surrounding spaces :)
Thanksgiving was wonderful! We spent the day with my parents and my brother. My brother and dad are both great cooks! Greg and I came over mid morning and my dad had made little smokies/pigs in blankets and we had those for breakfast while playing the new Wii Mario game.
We had an ultrasound two weeks ago and got to see that sweet, perfect, little face! This is likely the best looking baby anyone has ever seen... I'm just reporting the facts, people.
The other news is that we are FULL TERM! 18 days until the estimated due date. Some days I want him to go a head and come, and some days I am glad to have more time to get ready. But since there is NOTHING I can do to make him come sooner or later, I will just be waiting on his timing and getting ready as I have the energy to do more around the house getting ready.
Speaking of getting ready, I need to go get ready for work! If history tells us anything, this will be my last post before Baby gets here!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Mackenzie went home today! She had never even been outside of the hospital walls until this afternoon, and now she is home. Grandpa Lamont has spent the past few weeks getting the house ready for her arrival and we all couldn't be happier!
Her cousin is going to be here soon, too! Only 10 more weeks until he's due! Can you believe it?
Me, either!
I'm told he is about 3 pounds now, and getting bigger all the time. We get another ultrasound (hopefully, the Dr. has to deem it necessary, but he told me this morning he thought it would be) in about 6 weeks, so I am looking forward to that and getting to see his face again! We have one of those machines that is supposed to let you hear the heart beat but it doesn't usually work. Greg got it to once I think.
The nursrey hasn't come very far since the last post except that we took the bed that was in there out. We still need to get the paintings worked on, but that's Greg's department. We also need to get a crib and changing table and everything...... really it's not ready at all. But, that's ok because the baby isn't ready, either, anyway.
Maybe I am getting better about updating now... if I do another one close together then I will really feel like I have comitted. I'll throw in a picture of Mackenzie Elizabeth Lamont just to make this post worth looking at ;) 
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Yikes! Has it really been 2 months?!?
Alas, it has!
We have been very busy, but it doesn't seem like much has gone on!
Mackenzie is doing well and we hope she will be going home in the next few weeks. She hasn't had any major problems and is just growing and getting used to eating on her own. If she can get to the point where she is eating 100% on her own (with no feeding tube) she will be on her way home! Eileen has been able to stay with her the whole time by staying at the Ronald McDonald house so that has been a real blessing!
We ended up taking our house off the marked when the contract expired and not putting it up anywhere else. We just have too much else that we need to be doing now to worry about selling an entire house (condo, technically) and then packing it up and everything. We will try again in the Spring or Summer and maybe the market will be better by then, too. Plus, this way we get to start working on the nursery sooner! Greg has started one of the paintings and will be working on the others soon- I hope! I will post pictures of them as they are completed.
I don't think much else is going on right now, baiscally we are just working a lot and I am exhausted all the time! It's very tiring being in the third trimester, although I think I prefer it to the first because I don't have the nausia. I can't believe how soon the baby will be here! I can't wait to see his little face and fingers and toes! (and the rest of him!) I believe he is going to look just like his daddy! You know how Jon and Kate (plus 8) have all those kids and all of them just look like Jon? I think it will be like that, except for the 8 kids.
That's about it for now! Maybe the next post will at least come before the baby does!
We have been very busy, but it doesn't seem like much has gone on!
Mackenzie is doing well and we hope she will be going home in the next few weeks. She hasn't had any major problems and is just growing and getting used to eating on her own. If she can get to the point where she is eating 100% on her own (with no feeding tube) she will be on her way home! Eileen has been able to stay with her the whole time by staying at the Ronald McDonald house so that has been a real blessing!
We ended up taking our house off the marked when the contract expired and not putting it up anywhere else. We just have too much else that we need to be doing now to worry about selling an entire house (condo, technically) and then packing it up and everything. We will try again in the Spring or Summer and maybe the market will be better by then, too. Plus, this way we get to start working on the nursery sooner! Greg has started one of the paintings and will be working on the others soon- I hope! I will post pictures of them as they are completed.
I don't think much else is going on right now, baiscally we are just working a lot and I am exhausted all the time! It's very tiring being in the third trimester, although I think I prefer it to the first because I don't have the nausia. I can't believe how soon the baby will be here! I can't wait to see his little face and fingers and toes! (and the rest of him!) I believe he is going to look just like his daddy! You know how Jon and Kate (plus 8) have all those kids and all of them just look like Jon? I think it will be like that, except for the 8 kids.
That's about it for now! Maybe the next post will at least come before the baby does!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Welcome, sweet Mackenzie
It's been a big week! Last Thursday (July 9) Greg's sister, Eileen, was brought to Norfolk General because of some complications in her pregnancy. I won't get in to all of the details here, but the end result was that her baby was born Monday morning, July 13th at 12 weeks early. She is so tiney. Mackenzie is in the NICU at CHKD in Norfolk, Eileen has been released after a few days in the hospital to start recovering from her surgery, and is staying at the Ronald McDonald house while the baby is still in the NICU. Mackenzie has so much personality, you just wouldn't believe it. She reacts to people touching her, knows her mommy's touch, and hates when the nurses don't warm the stethascope before putting it on her chest. The other thing she really hates is her tempature being taken- under her arm! She doesn't even know how bad it could be, hehe. We appreciate your prayers in this situation, as we know that's what will get everyone through it.
In case you were wondering, the offer on our house was pulled back before we reached an agreement becuase the buyer and his wife decided not to get a divorce... so he didn't need a condo to move to. Our first reaction was to call him and let him know that we had heard she had been sleeping around... I'm just kidding. We are happy for them and are still just waiting to see what God has in store for us and where we will be living. We are not planning to renew our contract with this agent in a couple of weeks when it comes up. We may put it on a free for sale by owner sites and see what happens.
I hope to update again soon! I'm still getting the hang of this blogging thing...
In case you were wondering, the offer on our house was pulled back before we reached an agreement becuase the buyer and his wife decided not to get a divorce... so he didn't need a condo to move to. Our first reaction was to call him and let him know that we had heard she had been sleeping around... I'm just kidding. We are happy for them and are still just waiting to see what God has in store for us and where we will be living. We are not planning to renew our contract with this agent in a couple of weeks when it comes up. We may put it on a free for sale by owner sites and see what happens.
I hope to update again soon! I'm still getting the hang of this blogging thing...
Monday, July 6, 2009
We're leaving Friday for a kind-of-vacation. It's actually a conference for work, but there will be more free time than we have at home, and it will also be at a beautiful hotel with 2 pools and 15 feet from the beach, so it will be just a little bit vacation :) We are very excited. We are leaving early in the day on my birthday (yikes, when did I get to be a quarter of a century old!?) and having a nice family dinner that night to celebrate, then meetings and pool time until Wednesday! Then, it's only two weeks and a day until we go for the ultrasound! The baby is excited about this, too, because it knows we will stop calling it "it" when we have a more appropriate and descriptive personal pronoun available to us ;) .
Meanwhile, we got an offer on our house today! It was significantly lower than our asking price, but we countered with what we feel was a reasonable middle ground and we will just see what happens there.
And in other news, the cats may be moving back in for a couple of weeks while my parents have lots of company later this month. We will be excited to have them back! They came here when we put our house on the market so that people could come and go more easily and not have to worry about them getting out or potential buyers being allergic or the litter box offending anyone, but it will just be too crowded for them to stay while everyone is here.
Time to go make dinner!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Let the Count Down begin!
36 days until we find out if I've got a Tom Thumb or a Thumbelina! We went to the Dr. yesterday for a "tummy check" and made the appointment for our ultrasound. We can't wait!
In other news, my grandparents, Grammie and Pops, will be visiting next month. I haven't seen them in a few years, so I am excited about their visit. This will be their first great-grand child! Not that all of us grandchildren aren't great... ;)
Nothing else to report for now!
In other news, my grandparents, Grammie and Pops, will be visiting next month. I haven't seen them in a few years, so I am excited about their visit. This will be their first great-grand child! Not that all of us grandchildren aren't great... ;)
Nothing else to report for now!
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